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Pobesneli Max 3

Pobesneli Max 3, 1985

Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Avstralija, 107 min

Imdb ocena 6.3

Žanr: akcijski, avantura, znanstvena fantastika

Igrajo: Mel Gibson, Bruce Spence, Adam Cockburn, Tina Turner

Režija: George Miller, George Ogilvie

Avtorji: Terry Hayes, George Miller

Jezik: angleški

Pobesneli Max 3 - Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome

Slovenski opis filma:

Poleg Mela Gibsona in obilo dobre akcije bomo v tretjem delu Pobesnelega Maxa videli tudi pevsko legendo Tino Turner, ki je za film prispevala uspešnico "We Don't Need Another Hero". Zgodba je postavljena nekaj let v prihodnost, ko ljudje v avstralski puščavi ustvarijo nova družbena pravila. Tam se znajde tudi Max in skoraj umre, a se mu nekako uspe prebiti v mestece Bartertown, ki mu poveljuje gospodovalna kraljica Tina Turner. Čaka ga polno presenečenj in nepozabna pustolovščina.

Originalni opis filma:

Bartertown is a city on the edge of a desert that has managed to retain some technology if no civilization. Max has his supplies stolen and must seek shelter there in a post apocalyptic world where all machines have begun to break down and barbarians hold what is left. He becomes involved in a power struggle in this third Mad Max film where he must first survive the town, survive the desert and then rescue the innocent children he has discovered.