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Filmoteka na

Barva denarja

Barva denarja, 1986

The Color of Money, ZDA, 119 min

Imdb ocena 7.0

Žanr: drama, Športni

Igrajo: Paul Newman, Tom Cruise, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Helen Shaver

Režija: Martin Scorsese

Avtorji: Walter Tevis (novela), Richard Price (scenarij)

Jezik: angleški, španski

Barva denarja - The Color of Money

Slovenski opis filma:

Legendarni Paul Newman in mladi Tom Cruise sta pod režijsko taktirko Martina Scorseseja ustvarila napet film o merjenju moči na biljardni mizi.Nekdaj uspešen igralec biljarda za denar Eddie Felson oz. Hitri Eddie (Newman) združi moči z Vinceom (Cruise), mladim igralcem biljarda za denar, ki kot za šalo premaguje svoje nasprotnike. Eddieju se zazdi, da gleda sebe v svojih najuspešnejših letih, in je prepričan, da bi pod njegovim vodstvom Vince lahko postal vrhunski igralec biljarda za denar. A ko Vince zaradi svoje arogantnosti izgubi niz dvobojev, je njuno partnerstvo pred veliko preizkušnjo …

Originalni opis filma:

Pool hustler Fast Eddie Felson finds the young, promising pool player Vincent in a local bar and he sees in him a younger version of himself. To try and make it as in the old days, Eddie offers to teach Vincent how to be a hustler. After some hesitations Vincent accepts and Eddie takes him and Vincent's girlfriend Carmen on a tour through the country to work the pool halls. However, Vincent's tendency to show off his talent and by doing so warning off the players and losing money, soon leads to a confrontation with Eddie.