Mora v ulici Brestov 3
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, ZDA, 96 min
Imdb ocena 6.6
Žanr: akcijski, fantazijski, grozljivka
Igrajo: Heather Langenkamp, Craig Wasson, Patricia Arquette, Robert Englund
Režija: Chuck Russell
Avtorji: Wes Craven (zgodba), Bruce Wagner (zgodba), Wes Craven (scenarij), Bruce Wagner (scenarij), Frank Darabont (scenarij), Chuck Russell (scenarij), Wes Craven (liki)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Potem ko najstnico Kristen v sanjah obišče zloglasni Freddy Krueger, njeno prerezano zapestje priča o tem, da je skušala narediti samomor. Odpeljejo jo v psihiatrično bolnišnico, kjer se pridruži skupini šestih najstnikov, ki prav tako sanjajo o grozljivem možu z opeklinami. Popolnoma obupanim najstnikom skuša pomagati zdaj odrasla Nancy Thompson, ki je medtem postala psihiatrinja in strokovnjakinja za interpretiranje sanj. Ko se Freddy polasti enega od njenih pacientov, ji ne preostane drugega, kot da se sooči s Freddyjem.
Originalni opis filma:
Picking up where the original Nightmare left off, Nancy has grown up and become a psychiatrist specializing in dream therapy. She meets a group of children at a local hospital facing Freddy Krueger, the same demon she once encountered in her sleep. One of them is Kristen, who has the power to draw other people into her dreams. Working with a male doctor assigned to the case, Nancy helps the kids realize their special abilities within the nightmare world. When Freddy captures one of her charges, she leads a rescue attempt into Krueger's domain, in hopes of putting his spirit to rest once and for all.