Skrivnost mojega uspeha
The Secret of My Succe$s, ZDA, 111 min
Imdb ocena 6.5
Žanr: komedija, romantični
Igrajo: Michael J. Fox, Helen Slater, Richard Jordan, Margaret Whitton
Režija: Herbert Ross
Avtorji: Jim Cash (scenarij), Jack Epps Jr. (scenarij), AJ Carothers (scenarij), AJ Carothers (zgodba)
Jezik: angleški
![Skrivnost mojega uspeha - The Secret of My Succe$s Skrivnost mojega uspeha - The Secret of My Succe$s](
Slovenski opis filma:
Brantley Foster takoj po končani fakulteti zapusti domači Kansas in z željo po uspehu prispe v New York, kjer se zaposli kot kurir v vodilnem multinacionalnem podjetju. Kot kurir nadzira in prebira vso pošto in tako odkrije, da v podjetju vlada velik nered. Nekega dne zasede prazno pisarno, od koder začne uslužbencem izdajati direktive. Birokracija v podjetju je tako močna in samovšečna, da tega sprva nihče ne opazi. Brantleyjevi načrti se nekoliko zapletejo, ko se vanj zaljubi šefova žena, on pa se medtem zagleda v šefovo ljubico Christy Wills.
Originalni opis filma:
Brantley Foster, a well-educated kid from Kansas, has always dreamed of making it big in New York. On his first work day in New York, he is fired in a hostile take-over and learns that jobs - and girls - are hard to get. When Brantley visits his distant uncle, Howard Prescott, who runs a multi-million-dollar company, he is given a job in the company's mail room. Then Brantley meets Christy Wills, who happens to be one of the top executives. Brantley sees how poorly the company is being run and decides to create a position under the name Carlton Whitfield, to influence and improve the company's operations. Soon things get unexpectedly out of hand, not in the least because of his aunt, his girl and leading a double life.