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Farma smeha

Farma smeha, 1988

Funny Farm, ZDA, 101 min

Imdb ocena 6.1

Žanr: komedija, drama

Igrajo: Chevy Chase, Madolyn Smith Osborne, Kevin O'Morrison, Joseph Maher

Režija: George Roy Hill

Avtorji: Jay Cronley (knjiga), Jeffrey Boam (scenarij)

Jezik: angleški

Farma smeha - Funny Farm

Slovenski opis filma:

Športni novinar Andy in njegova žena, učiteljica Elizabeth, se odločita kupiti kmetijo v Vermontu, kjer naj bi Andy v miru in tišini končno napisal roman in postal nova pisateljska zvezda. Toda zakonca na novem domu pričaka vse prej kot idilično podeželsko življenje. Tamkajšnji prebivalci so pravi čudaki, za nameček pa na svojem novem vrtu najdeta zakopano truplo. Poleg tega so Andyjeve pisateljske ambicije zelo ogrožene zaradi njegove povprečne nadarjenosti in Elizabethine odločitve, da bo napisala otroško knjigo.

Originalni opis filma:

When Andy and Elizabeth buy a farm in Vermont, they can't imagine the trouble that awaits them. Andy has quit his job as a sports journalist and is planning to use the peace and quiet of the country to write the Great American Novel. From the moment the movers' truck gets lost with their furniture, though, there's little peace and less quiet. From a manical mailman to a dead body buried in the garden, Andy is distracted by the town and its wacky inhabitants. His effort at a novel is mediocre, at best, and he's threatened by Elizabeth's foray into writing when she attempts a children's book. Can the Farmers survive the townsfolk and each other?