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Iron Eagle - Jekleni orel 2

Iron Eagle - Jekleni orel 2, 1988

Iron Eagle II, Kanada, Izrael, 105 min

Imdb ocena 3.9

Žanr: akcijski, drama, romantični

Igrajo: Louis Gossett Jr., Mark Humphrey, Stuart Margolin

Režija: Sidney J. Furie

Avtorji: Kevin Alyn Elders, Sidney J. Furie

Jezik: angleški, ruski

Iron Eagle - Jekleni orel 2 - Iron Eagle II

Slovenski opis filma:

Napet akcijski film je prežet z vratolomnimi letalskimi akcijami. Ameriška vojska mora združiti sile s Sovjetsko zvezo. Skupaj morajo uničiti jedrsko orožje, skrito nekje na Bližnjem vzhodu. Chappy Sinclair je zadolžen za to, da akcija uspe, vendar kmalu spozna, da bo težko uskladiti nesoglasja med ekipama. Stvari se še bolj zapletejo, ko ugotovijo, da so jim bile mnoge stvari zamolčane in da želi nekdo uničiti njihovo misijo.

Originalni opis filma:

Chappy Sinclair is called to gather together a mixed Soviet/U.S. strike force that will perform a surgical strike on a massively defended nuclear missile site in the Middle East. Chappy finds that getting the Soviet and U.S. Pilots to cooperate is only the most minor of his problems as he discovers someone in the Pentagon is actively sabotaging his mission. As they begin their assault, Chappy finds that a nuclear strike has been ordered should they fail, which will catch his forces on the ground next to ground zero.