Družinski pes
Dad's a Dog, ZDA
Žanr: komedija
Igrajo: Susan Blakely, Mark Blankfield, Peter Bonerz, Natalie Gregory
Režija: Jim Drake
Avtorji: Mark Ganzel, Barry Kemp
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Zgodba o očetu samohranilcu, ki se v želji po uspehu preseli v Hollywood.Oče samohranilec se iz New Yorka z otrokoma preseli v Hollywood, da bi postal filmska zvezda, a dobi le vlogo v seriji Družinski pes, kjer svoj glas posodi govorečemu psu. Znotraj te serije očeta zbije tovornjak, ta se reinkarnira v psa in družini daje nasvete in nudi uteho. To uteho pa bi v življenju potreboval tudi oče samohranilec, saj se ga otroka sramujeta.
Originalni opis filma:
A struggling single father's kids are ashamed of him for taking a job as the voice of the title character on a new sitcom called _Dad's a Dog_. In the show within the show, the father had been struck by a bus and reincarnated as a dog. The dog would give the TV family advice with the actor behind the couch. He has to deal with the typical troubles of the single father, and the fact that his kids are berated about the show while at school.