Gola pištola 2
The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear, ZDA, 85 min
Imdb ocena 6.9
Žanr: komedija, kriminalni
Igrajo: Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, George Kennedy, O.J. Simpson
Režija: David Zucker
Avtorji: Jim Abrahams (television series Police Squad), David Zucker (television series "Police Squad"), Jerry Zucker (television series Police Squad), David Zucker, Pat Proft
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Štorastega policijskega poročnika Franka Drebina zaradi zaslug kot gosta povabijo v Belo hišo. Nedavno tega je ustrelil že tisočega preprodajalca mamil. V Beli hiši spozna Alberta Mannheimerja, ki ga predsednik Bush določi, da poda predlog o državni porabi energije. Mannheimer zagovarja uporabo sončne energije, to pa ni všeč tistim, ki računajo na velik zaslužek z nafto, ogljem in jedrsko energijo. Nepridipravi na čelu z zlobnim Quentinom Hapsburgom zato ugrabijo Mannheimerja in ga nadomestijo z dvojnikom.
Originalni opis filma:
Lt. Frank Drebbin returns to save the day once again. This time he's out to foil the "big boys" in the energy business. A top scientist (Dr Mainheimer) is about to publish his report on energy supply for the future. Things don't look good for the traditional suppliers; oil, coal and nuclear. To save their industries, the suppliers kidnap Mainheimer and replace him with a decoy with a more favourable report. Jane, the Dr's secretary, is Drebbin's old flame; they're passionate love affair is thus rekindled.