New Jack City
New Jack City, ZDA, 97 min
Imdb ocena 6.6
Žanr: akcijski, kriminalni, drama
Igrajo: Wesley Snipes, Ice-T, Allen Payne, Chris Rock
Režija: Mario Van Peebles
Avtorji: Thomas Lee Wright (zgodba), Thomas Lee Wright (scenarij), Barry Michael Cooper (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Izkušena policista Scotty in Nick sta za petami nevarnemu preprodajalcu mamil Ninu Brownu, ki si je s pomočjo svoje neusmiljenosti in ambicioznosti ustvaril pravi mamilarski imperij in se zabarikadiral v svoje stanovanje v Harlemu. Glede na to, da je njegov dom odlično varovana utrdba, je prepričan, da mu nihče ne more priti do živega. Vse se spremeni, ko eden izmed njegovih klientov postane policijski ovaduh in s tem ogrozi Brownov posel.
Originalni opis filma:
The gangster Nino has a gang who call themselves Cash Money Brothers. They get into the crack business and not before long they make a million dollars every week. A cop, Scotty, is after them. He tries to get into the gang by letting an ex-drug addict infiltrate the gang, but the attempt fails miserably. The only thing that remains is that Scotty himself becomes a drug pusher.