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Skodrana Suzi

Skodrana Suzi, 1991

Curly Sue, ZDA, 101 min

Imdb ocena 5.9

Žanr: komedija, drama, družinski

Igrajo: Jim Belushi, Kelly Lynch, Alisan Porter, John Getz

Režija: John Hughes

Avtorji: John Hughes

Jezik: angleški

Skodrana Suzi - Curly Sue

Slovenski opis filma:

Skodrana Suzi je sanjski film od začetka do konca, čeprav se dogaja v čisto pravi resničnosti. Bill Dancer s svojo posvojeno devetletno hčerko Sue potuje po ameriških cestah in tu pa tam zasluži kak dolar za hrano. Tako nekega dne Billa nesrečno zadane avto lepe in bogate chicaške odvetnice Grey Ellison. Bill in Sue odvetnici zlezeta v srce, to pa ni všeč njenemu zadrgnjenemu in vzvišenemu zaročencu.

Originalni opis filma:

Bill Dancer and his young companion Curly Sue are the classic homeless folks with hearts of gold. Their scams are aimed not at turning a profit, but at getting enough to eat. When they scam the rich and beautiful Grey Ellison into believing she backed her Mercedes into Bill, they're only hoping for a free meal. But Grey is touched, and over the objections of her snotty fiance, insist on putting the two up for the night. As they get to know each other, Bill becomes convinced that this is where Curly Sue belongs - in a home, cared for by someone that can give her the advantages that his homeless, nomadic existence lacks. He plans to leave the young girl in the care of Grey and take off.... but Curly Sue has other ideas!