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Terminator 2

Terminator 2, 1991

Terminator 2: Judgment Day, United States, 137 min

Imdb ocena 8.6

Žanr: akcijski, znanstvena fantastika

Igrajo: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong

Režija: James Cameron

Avtorji: James Cameron, William Wisher

Jezik: angleški, španski

Terminator 2 - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Slovenski opis filma:

John Connor naj bi v prihodnosti vodil boj človeštva proti mehanizaciji. Potem ko jim v prvem filmu ni uspelo ubiti njegove mame in tako preprečiti njegovega rojstva, se sedaj spravijo kar na Johna, ki brezskrbno uživa najstniška leta. Njegova mati je hotela opozoriti na nevarnost v prihodnosti, zato so jo spravili v psihiatrično bolnišnico, Johna pa dali v posvojitev. Terminator kot mešanica robota in človeka v podobi Arnolda Schwarzeneggerja pride v sedanjost, da bi zaščitil mladega Connorja, ki mu po življenju streže T-1000, še en dosežek visoke tehnologije, sprogramiranih možganov in človeške podobe.

Originalni opis filma:

Over 10 years have passed since the first machine called The Terminator tried to kill Sarah Connor and her unborn son, John. The man who will become the future leader of the human resistance against the Machines is now a healthy young boy. However, another Terminator, called the T-1000, is sent back through time by the supercomputer Skynet. This new Terminator is more advanced and more powerful than its predecessor and its mission is to kill John Connor when he's still a child. However, Sarah and John do not have to face the threat of the T-1000 alone. Another Terminator (identical to the same model that tried and failed to kill Sarah Connor in 1984) is also sent back through time to protect them. Now, the battle for tomorrow has begun.