Aljaska v plamenih
On Deadly Ground, ZDA, 101 min
Imdb ocena 4.6
Žanr: akcijski, avantura, triler
Igrajo: Steven Seagal, Michael Caine, Joan Chen, John C. McGinley
Režija: Steven Seagal
Avtorji: Ed Horowitz, Robin U. Russin
Jezik: angleški, Inuktitut

Slovenski opis filma:
Forrest Taft je strokovnjak za eksplozive, zato ga pripeljejo na naftno ploščad na Aljaski, da bi pogasil ogromen požar. Prijatelj mu namigne, da so za uničujočo eksplozijo krivi obrabljeni varnostni ventili, ki jih vodstvo kljub številnim opozorilom ni hotelo zamenjati. Zaradi obtožb in skritih dokaznih materialov prijatelj izgubi življenje, kar Tafta samo še bolj prepriča v njegove trditve. Kmalu se Taft na begu zateče k starodavnim prebivalcem Aljaske. Pri njih se še bolj prepriča, da mora narava ostati nedotaknjena. Skupaj z domačinko Masu se odpravi reševat Aljasko.
Originalni opis filma:
Forrest Taft is an environmental agent who works for the Aegis Oil Company in Alaska. Aegis Oil's corrupt CEO, Michael Jennings, is the kind of person who doesn't care whether or not oil spills into the ocean or onto the land, just as long as it's making money for him. He even makes commercials that make him look like he cares about the environment. Jennings is almost finished with building his new state-of-the art oil rig: AEGIS-1. The problem is that if he doesn't finish building the rig in thirteen days, the land rights will be returned to the Eskimos and the Alaskan government. When Jennings finds out that Taft's best friend Hugh Palmer has a computer disk that contains information about defective equipment on AEGIS-1, he sends out his goons to murder Palmer. When Taft tries to interfere, Jennings tries to kill Taft. But an Eskimo woman named Masu, who introduces Taft to her father Silook, the chief of her tribe, rescues Taft. With Masu's help, Taft begins a trek through the Alaskan wilderness, heading straight for AEGIS-1 and to destroy it before it destroys all of the forest.