Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, ZDA, Japonska, Velika Britanija, 123 min
Imdb ocena 6.4
Žanr: drama, grozljivka, romantični
Igrajo: Robert De Niro, Kenneth Branagh, Tom Hulce, Helena Bonham Carter
Režija: Kenneth Branagh
Avtorji: Mary Shelley (novela), Steph Lady (scenarij), Frank Darabont (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
V interpretaciji Kennetha Branagha slovite gotske književne klasike slavni Robert DeNiro upodobi grozljivi stvor, ki ga dr. Frankenstein ustvari v želji premagati smrt in pospešiti napredek medicine v zgodnjem 19. stoletju. V najslavnejši literarni grozljivki svojega časa mladi Victor Frankenstein (upodobi ga Kenneth Branagh, ki je tudi režiser) iz Ženeve odpotuje na medicinsko univerzo. Doma pusti posvojeno sestro Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter), s katero sta noro zaljubljena. Ob spodbudi priznanega in skrivnostnega profesorja Waldmana (John Cleese) postane Victor obseden z novimi spoznanji in v osami eksperimentira z možnostmi od mrtvih obujenega človeškega mesa. Nekega večera, ko se njegov oživljeni stvor (Robert De Niro) muči z novo pridobljenim življenjem, Victor prepozno ugotovi grozo tistega, kar je spočel, in si zaman prizadeva uničiti svoj gnusni stvor. Po tem, ko zmotno spozna, da je ta verjetno umrl od kolere, se Victor vrne domov in začne načrtovati svojo poroko. Osamljen, od ljudi preziran in po neznosno čustveni agoniji v bes pahnjeni stvor se odloči poiskati svojega stvarnika. Tako se začne nočna mora, ki bo naposled pogoltnila Victorja Frankensteina in vse, ki jih ima rad.
Originalni opis filma:
In 1794, in the Arctic Sea, Captain Robert Walton is a man obsessed to reach the North Pole, pushing his crew to exhaustion. When his ship hits an iceberg, it is stranded in the ice. Out of the blue, Captain Walton and his men overhear a dreadful cry and they see a stranger coming to the ship. He introduces himself and Victor Frankenstein and he tells to the captain the story of his life since he was a little boy in Geneva. Victor is a brilliant student and in love with his stepsister Elizabeth, an orphan that was raised by his father Baron Frankenstein. In 1793, Victor moves to Ingolstadt to study at the university and he promises to get married to Elizabeth. At the university, Victor befriends Henry Clerval who becomes his best friend. Victor gets close to Professor Waldman and decides to create life to cheat death, but Waldman advises him that he should not try this experiment since the result would be an abomination. When Waldman dies, Victor steals his notes and tries to create life. He succeeds and gives life to a strong Creature, composed of parts of deceased persons. However he realizes that his experiment is a mistake and he abandons the Creature expecting that it will die alone. However the Creature survives and learns how to read and write, but he is a monster rejected by society and his own creator. The Creature decides to seek revenge from Victor by killing everyone he loves.