Lassie, ZDA, 94 min
Imdb ocena 5.8
Žanr: družinski, avantura
Igrajo: Tom Guiry, Helen Slater, Jon Tenney, Brittany Boyd
Režija: Daniel Petrie
Avtorji: Eric Knight (character of Lassie), Matthew Jacobs, Gary Ross, Elizabeth Anderson
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Film spremlja težavnega najstnika Matta, ki mu srečanje s štirinožnim prijateljem spremeni življenje. Matt in njegova sestra Jennifer imata za seboj težko mladost. Mama jima je umrla, oče Steve pa se je ponovno poročil. Čeprav je njuna mačeha Laura nadvse prijazna in topla ženska, je Matt nikakor ne more sprejeti. Življenje se obrne na bolje, ko se družina preseli na podeželje in medse sprejme ljubkega škotskega ovčarja. Kuža osvoji njihova srca in Mattu pomaga, da se sooči s svojimi čustvi.
Originalni opis filma:
The dog everyone loves now leaps into the '90s in this all-new exciting, updated version of Lassie! Determined to start a new life in the country, the Turner Family - Dad, stepmom, little Jennifer and teenager Matt - leaves the city for the wilds of Virginia. The move creates problems for everyone, especially Matt, who feels lost and alone in his new surroundings. Fortunately, the Turners are helped by a homeless collie who becomes part of their lives - and Matt does a lot of growing up as a result of the dog's unflinching loyalty. Watch the extraordinary collie protect Matt from a snarling wolf, rescue him from a raging waterfall or just nuzzle up for affection, and you'll know Lassie is more than a story of a boy and his dog - it's the story of a boy and the most remarkable dog in the world!