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Little Big League, ZDA, 119 min
Imdb ocena 6.0
Žanr: komedija, družinski, Športni
Igrajo: Luke Edwards, Timothy Busfield, John Ashton, Ashley Crow
Režija: Andrew Scheinman
Avtorji: Gregory K. Pincus (zgodba), Gregory K. Pincus (scenarij), Adam Scheinman (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Direktor poklicnega bejzbolskega moštva Minnesota Twins umre in v oporoki zapusti lastništvo ekipe svojemu vnuku Billyju Heywoodu. Dvanajstletnik je predan športni navdušenec, dobro pozna moštvo in je prepričan, da ga lahko spremeni v zmagovalno ekipo - zato sebe postavi za direktorja kluba. Pa bodo ponosni in vase zaverovani igralci pripravljeni upoštevati ukaze dvanajstletnega dečka?
Originalni opis filma:
When the owner of the Minnesota Twins dies suddenly, his will bequeaths the team to his grandson Billy, a devotee of baseball who, although only 12, has devoured voluminous lore, knows the team intimately, and has shown an uncanny sixth sense of what they need to improve. They hate their manager, so Billy quickly fires the SOB, winning their instant approval. However, this turns to dismay when he announces their new manager: Billy Heywood. How will Billy convince a gang of proud, tough men to stick around and take orders from a kid? On the other hand, what's to lose-- the team has nowhere to go but up.