The Mask, ZDA, 101 min
Imdb ocena 6.9
Žanr: komedija, fantazijski
Igrajo: Jim Carrey, Peter Riegert, Peter Greene, Amy Yasbeck
Režija: Chuck Russell
Avtorji: Michael Fallon (zgodba), Mark Verheiden (zgodba), Mike Werb (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški, švedski

Slovenski opis filma:
Plašni in dobrosrčni Stanley Ipkiss v življenju nima sreče. Je nesamozavesten, služba ga dolgočasi, v majhnem stanovanju živi s psom. Potihem si želi drugačnega življenja. Ko najde starodavno masko ter si jo nadene na obraz, se mu želja uresniči. Zgodi se čarovnija in Stanley se iz sramežljivega bebčka prelevi v neuničljivega junaka. Zagleda se v lepo pevko Tino in se kar v ritmu sambe bori proti vsem, ki mu povzročajo težave. Ob tem se noro zabava in sproža salve smeha.
Originalni opis filma:
Stanley Ipkiss (Jim Carrey) is a bank clerk that is an incredibly nice man. Unfortunately, he is too nice for his own good and is a pushover when it comes to confrontations. After one of the worst days of his life, he finds a mask that depicts Loki, the Norse night god of mischief. Now, when he puts it on, he becomes his inner, self: a cartoon romantic wild man. However, a small time crime boss, Dorian Tyrel (Peter Greene), comes across this character dubbed "The Mask" by the media. After Ipkiss's alter ego indirectly kills his friend in crime, Tyrel now wants this green-faced goon destroyed.