Francoski poljub
French Kiss, Velika Britanija, ZDA, 111 min
Imdb ocena 6.6
Žanr: komedija, drama, romantični
Igrajo: Meg Ryan, Kevin Kline, Timothy Hutton, Jean Reno
Režija: Lawrence Kasdan
Avtorji: Adam Brooks
Jezik: angleški, francoski

Slovenski opis filma:
Kate je zaročena s Charliejem in že vidi, kako si bo skupaj z njim ustvarila popolno življenje. Ko Charlie službeno odpotuje v Pariz, se tam noro zaljubi v domačinko in Kate kar po telefonu sporoči, da poroka odpade. Kate je seveda šokirana, vendar pripravljena narediti vse, da Charlieja spametuje in ga prepriča, da se vrne k njej. Brez pomisleka kupi vozovnico za Francijo. Potem na letalu spozna zgovornega Francoza Luca, ki je sicer zelo šarmanten in prijazen, vendar tudi manjši kriminalec.
Originalni opis filma:
Kate and Charlie have a perfect life planned out before them: buying a house, marriage, kids, the whole works. Kate's fear of flying keeps her in Canada while Charlie goes to Paris for a medical convention. While there Charlie is smitten by the lovely Juliette. He calls off the wedding with Kate and she nervously boards a plane to get him back. She ends up sitting next to the petty French thief Luc Teyssier. He hides a stolen necklace and smuggled grape vine in her bag to get it through customs. Her bag is stolen, the necklace apparently lost, and Kate and Luc head to Cannes -- Luc to find the necklace and Kate get Charlie back. Along the way, Kate and Luc begin having feelings for each other -- which change the course of their lives.