Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire, ZDA, 139 min
Imdb ocena 7.3
Žanr: komedija, drama, romantični
Igrajo: Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr., Renée Zellweger, Kelly Preston
Režija: Cameron Crowe
Avtorji: Cameron Crowe
Jezik: angleški, American znakovni jezik
Slovenski opis filma:
Jerry Maguire je uspešen športni agent. Ko predlaga, da bi se firma, kjer je zaposlen, osredotočila bolj na ljudi kot na denar, zaradi tega takoj leti na cesto. S tem izgubi vse svoje kliente in še zaročenko povrhu. Zvesta mu ostaneta edino športnik Rod Tidwell in sodelavka Dorothy Boyd, ki je samohranilka z majhnim sinom. Jerry mora tako skoraj popolnoma sam ponovno zgraditi svoje življenje, od njega pa sta odvisni tudi Rodova in Dorothyjina prihodnost. Cuba Godding Jr. je za vlogo Roda Tidwella, ki ostane zvest svojemu propadlemu športnemu agentu, prejel oskarja.
Originalni opis filma:
Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) is a successful sports agent. The biggest clients, the respect, a beautiful fiancée, he has it all. Until one night he questions his purpose. His place in the world, and finally comes to terms with what's wrong with his career and life. Recording all his thoughts in a mission statement Jerry feels he has a new lease on life. Unfortunately his opinions aren't met with enthusiasm from his superiors and after dishonorably being stripped of his high earning clients and elite status within the agency Jerry steps out into the sports business armed with only one volatile client (Cuba Gooding Jr.) and the only person with belief in his abilities (Renée Zellweger) with the impossible task of rebuilding what he once had. Along the way he faces the harsh truths which he'd ignored in the past and a host of hardships that he'd never faced before.