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Okvara, 1997

Breakdown, ZDA, 93 min

Imdb ocena 6.9

Žanr: akcijski, kriminalni, drama

Igrajo: Kurt Russell, J.T. Walsh, Kathleen Quinlan, M.C. Gainey

Režija: Jonathan Mostow

Avtorji: Jonathan Mostow (zgodba), Jonathan Mostow (scenarij), Sam Montgomery (scenarij)

Jezik: angleški

Okvara - Breakdown

Slovenski opis filma:

Zakonca Jeff in Amy Taylor se z avtom odpravita iz Bostona v San Diego. Med potjo se jima sredi puščave pokvari avto. Tako se znajdeta ob zapuščeni cesti, dolge kilometre stran od prvega naselja. Iz stiske ju reši voznik tovornjaka Red. Amy se z njim odpelje po pomoč, Jeff pa medtem ostane pri avtu in ugotovi vzrok okvare. Vozilo popravi ter se hitro odpelje za ženo. Toda Amy izgine brez sledi.

Originalni opis filma:

Jeff and Amy Taylor are moving to California and must drive across the country. When they find themselves stranded in the middle of a desert with hardly anyone or anything around, their trip comes to a sudden halt. Amy had taken a ride with a friendly trucker to a small diner to call for help, but after a long time, Jeff becomes worried. He finds that no one in the diner has seen or heard from his wife. When he finds the trucker who gave Amy the ride, the trucker swears he has never seen her. Now Jeff must attempt to find his wife, who has been kidnapped and is being held for ransom. But who can he trust?