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Peti element

Peti element, 1997

The Fifth Element, Francija, 126 min

Imdb ocena 7.7

Žanr: akcijski, avantura, znanstvena fantastika

Igrajo: Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Ian Holm, Milla Jovovich

Režija: Luc Besson

Avtorji: Luc Besson (scenarij), Robert Mark Kamen (scenarij), Luc Besson (story by)

Jezik: angleški, švedski, nemški

Peti element - The Fifth Element

Slovenski opis filma:

Brez njega ni prihodnosti ...Piše se leto 2263 in zlo ogroža vesolje. Edini način, kako rešiti človeštvo, je peti element, ki se pojavi vsakih pet tisoč let. Medtem ko Mondoshawni pripeljejo peti element nazaj na Zemljo, ga zlobni Mangalori uničijo. Vendar pa znanstvenikom z ostanki DNK-ja in s posebno tehnologijo uspe rekonstruirati peti element v obliki ženske z imenom Leeloo. Ta med pobegom iz laboratorija sreča nekdanjega narednika Korbena Dallasa, ki zdaj dela kot taksist. Uspe jima pobegniti pred policijo in Korben ji pomaga pri iskanju preostalih štirih elementov.

Originalni opis filma:

In the twenty-third century, the universe is threatened by evil. The only hope for mankind is the Fifth Element, who comes to Earth every five thousand years to protect the humans with four stones of the four elements: fire, water, Earth and air. A Mondoshawan spacecraft is bringing The Fifth Element back to Earth but it is destroyed by the evil Mangalores. However, a team of scientists use the DNA of the remains of the Fifth Element to rebuild the perfect being called Leeloo. She escapes from the laboratory and stumbles upon the taxi driver and former elite commando Major Korben Dallas that helps her to escape from the police. Leeloo tells him that she must meet Father Vito Cornelius to accomplish her mission. Meanwhile, the Evil uses the greedy and cruel Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg and a team of mercenary Mangalores to retrieve the stones and avoid the protection of Leeloo. But the skilled Korben Dallas has fallen in love with Leeloo and decides to help her to retrieve the stones.