Domači pomfrit
Home Fries, ZDA, 91 min
Imdb ocena 5.1
Žanr: komedija, romantični, drama
Igrajo: Drew Barrymore, Catherine O'Hara, Luke Wilson, Jake Busey
Režija: Dean Parisot
Avtorji: Vince Gilligan
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Noseča Sally (Drew Barrymore) se nevede zaljubi v pastorka umrlega očeta svojega otroka (Luke Wilson) in zdaj se mora ukvarjati z njegovo morilsko družino. Komedija zmešnjav o ljubezni, smrti, hamburgerjih in pomfritu. V obupanem poskusu, da bi našla ljubico svojega moža Henryja, gospa Lever (Catherine O'Hara) naroči svojima sinovoma, pilotoma vojnega helikopterja Dorianu (Luke Wilson) in Angusu (Jake Busey), naj z ustrahovanjem izvlečeta resnico iz svojega krušnega očeta. A namesto da bi se Henry le malce ustrašil, možakar podleže srčnemu infarktu. Še huje, brata kmalu odkrijeta, da zelo čedna in zelo noseča blagajničarka v krajevni okrepčevalnici s hitro hrano Sally Jackson (Drew Barrymore) nekako ve, kaj se je zgodilo v nesreči s helikopterjem. Angus bi jo najraje ubil, Dorian pa se nehote zaljubi vanjo, pri čemer ne ve, da ima dekle neko skrivnost, ki je veliko bolj grešna od recepta za najboljši vaniljin mlečni frape v mestu.
Originalni opis filma:
Hamburger joint waitress Sally Jackson is pregnant. When Beatrice, the wife of the father, finds out about his infidelity, she sends her sons from a previous marriage, military pilots Angus and Dorian Montier, to scare the living daylights out of him. Their gunship does such a good job, without hitting him, that he dies from a heart attack. Worrying about radio interference that night, they investigate who might have heard too much within the fairly empty reception perimeter, and soon discover only Sally could, still ignorant about her affair with his step-dad Henry. Dorian takes a job there to be sure, but soon falls for her himself, while mother-obsessed moron Angus would do anything to anyone for her honor...