Medvedji slapovi
Grizzly Falls, Velika Britanija, Kanada, ZDA, 94 min
Imdb ocena 5.9
Žanr: avantura
Igrajo: Bryan Brown, Tom Jackson, Oliver Tobias, Richard Harris
Režija: Stewart Raffill
Avtorji: Stuart Margolin (zgodba), Richard Beattie (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Lovec Tyrone v gozdu najde grizlijeve mladiče in jih vzame s seboj domov. Pri tem pa ne računa na mamo mladičev, ki v zameno ugrabi Tyronovega sina. Medtem ko ga Tyrone išče in se boji najhujšega, se med medvedjo samico in dečkom splete nenavadna vez. Grizlijeva mama človeškega dečka uči iskati hrano in mu nudi zaščito, kot bi jo nudila svojim mladičem.
Originalni opis filma:
Out in the wilds, an aged man tells his grandchildren a tale of his own youth. After his mother dies, his usually-absent father, whom he barely knows, takes him into these same wilds to hunt for a grizzly. They find a mother bear with two cubs. The hunters capture the cubs, but the grizzly captures the lad. Somehow, boy and bear bond and trek across the forest with dad and a First Nations friend on their trail. After a while, the boy figures out where he and his new mother are going: toward her cubs. Rifles, dogs, hunters, bear, cubs, father, and son are headed for a rendezvous.