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Popravljena krivica

Popravljena krivica, 1998

Double Take, Kanada, ZDA, 86 min

Imdb ocena 4.7

Žanr: triler

Igrajo: Craig Sheffer, Brigitte Bako, Costas Mandylor, Dan Lett

Režija: Mark L. Lester

Avtorji: Edward Rugoff, Ralph Rugoff

Jezik: angleški

Popravljena krivica - Double Take

Slovenski opis filma:

Mladi pisatelj Connor je priča krutemu umoru. Prepričan je, da je videl moža, ki je zakrivil zločin, zato ga tudi identificira na policijski postaji in na sodišču priča proti njemu. Za umor moža obsodijo, a zatem s Connorjem stopi v stik dekle, ki trdi, da je njen partner nedolžen. Je res obkrivil nedolžnega moža? Ko na ulici opazi neznanca, ki je podoben krivcu, je Connor čedalje bolj prepričan, da je obtoženemu storil krivico, ki jo bo skušal popraviti.

Originalni opis filma:

A writer witnesses a murder that may have been politically motivated involving Argentinian Nationals. After picking the man out of a line-up and persuasively testifying in court against him, the man is convicted. However, his girlfriend shows up and says the man is innocent and produces a picture of a young child which she says will be without a father. This leaves the writer with doubts and then when he sees another man who looks very much like the killer, he becomes more certain that he made a mistake. However, everything is not as it appears and the writer finds himself drawn into the murder and blackmail.