Pelji me na žur
Drive Me Crazy, ZDA, 91 min
Imdb ocena 5.7
Žanr: komedija, drama, romantični
Igrajo: Melissa Joan Hart, Adrian Grenier, Stephen Collins, Mark Metcalf
Režija: John Schultz
Avtorji: Todd Strasser (novela), Rob Thomas (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Najstnika Nicole in Chase sta soseda, to je pa tudi vse, kar imata skupnega. Medtem ko se Nicole oblači po zadnji modi, se Chase udeležuje različnih družbenih protestov. Nicole rada hodi na košarkarske tekme, Chase pa ponavadi zahaja v temačne kavarne. Vse se spremeni, ko doživita razočaranje v ljubezni. Nicole je nesrečno zaljubljena v priljubljenega šolskega košarkarja, ki je že zaseden, Chasea pa zapusti dekle. Zdaj se oba odločita za poseben eksperiment. Izdajala se bosta, da sta zaljubljena in s tem zbudila ljubosumje svojih simpatij. Toda čustva včasih človeka zapeljejo v nepričakovano smer.
Originalni opis filma:
Nicole Maris is a popular high school preppy senior in Utah who gets her life turned upside down when her perfect date, Brad, falls for a cute cheerleader from another school a month before the school's centennial senior prom. After recovering from the shock, Nicole comes up with a solution to save her reputation: find a guy to appear like they're going steady and to take her to the dance hoping to make Brad jealous. Nicole then hooks up with her next door neighbor, prankster and trouble maker Chase Hammond, and tries to model him in her own image while he's looking to make his long-term girlfriend Dulcie jealous too. However, both Nicole and Chase don't expect their charade to lead it where they never expected it to.