Ceh smrti
Downward Angel, ZDA, 97 min
Imdb ocena 4.3
Žanr: triler
Igrajo: Matt Schulze, Jonathan Banks, Don Calfa, Whitney Dylan
Režija: Kevin Lewis
Avtorji: Kevin Lewis
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
John Hunter je poklicni morilec, ki je dolgo nazaj zaradi podzemnega ceha morilcev izgubil starše. Sedaj se končno odloči raziskati, kdo točno je odgovoren za njihovo smrt, in se osebi maščevati. Da bi prišel do resnice, od ceha sprejme morilsko nalogo, vendar mu njegova vest povzroča težave. Z neusmiljenim vodjo morilcev se ves čas igrata psihološke ige, vendar je teh naglo konec, ko mu veliki šef razkrije njegovo naslednjo tarčo.
Originalni opis filma:
John Hunter takes a job as a hit man for a Mob syndicate, but his attacks of conscience, his odd dialogue about doing this for his family (he lives alone), and his continuous returning to a woman from his past suggest that there's more to him than meets the eye. Herod, the hard-nosed boss of the killing team, alternately fascinates and repels John. One night, Herod asks him to accompany Gillian, Herod's younger sister, for an evening out. The next day, John gets the word to kill her. When he refuses and instead tries to run with her and a considerable amount of Herod's assets, the stage is set for a showdown and the revelation of who's who.