Misija: Nemogoče 2
Mission: Impossible II, ZDA, Nemčija, 123 min
Imdb ocena 6.1
Žanr: akcijski, avantura, romantični
Igrajo: Tom Cruise, Dougray Scott, Thandie Newton, Ving Rhames
Režija: John Woo
Avtorji: Bruce Geller (creator television series Mission: Impossible), Ronald D. Moore (zgodba), Brannon Braga (zgodba), Robert Towne (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
V drugem filmu Misija: Nemogoče se Tom Cruise kot agent Ethan Hunt znajde sredi mednarodne spletke. Z računalniškim genijem Lutherjem potuje od Avstralije do Španije, da bi zaustavil nekdanjega sodelavca Seana Ambrosea, ki hoče s pomočjo nevarnega virusa izpeljati smrtonosen načrt. Ethan se po pomoč zateče k Seanovi bivši ljubimki, osupljivo lepi tatici Nyah Hall. Ne mine dolgo, ko se tudi sam nepričakovano zaljubi vanjo. Film poleg odlične igralske zasedbe in režije odlikujejo še osupljivi posebni efekti in glasba.
Originalni opis filma:
IMF agent Ethan Hunt has been sent on a mission to retrieve and destroy the supply of a genetically created disease called 'Chimera'. His mission is made impossible due to the fact that he is not the only person after samples of the disease. He must also contest with a gang of international terrorists headed by a turned bad former IMF agent who has already managed to steal the cure called 'Bellerophon' and now need 'Chimera' to complete their grand plan of infecting the whole world. In order to infiltrate and locate the terrorist group he relies on the help of an international thief Nyah of whom he quickly develops a love interest. Time is not only running out for Agent Hunt to find and destroy 'Chimera' before the terrorists get their hands on it, but he must also find 'Bellerophon' so as to save his love interest who has already become infected by the disease from a terrible and rapid death.