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Igra usode

Igra usode, 2001

Serendipity, United States, 90 min

Imdb ocena 6.8

Žanr: komedija, romantični

Igrajo: John Cusack, Kate Beckinsale, Jeremy Piven

Režija: Peter Chelsom

Avtorji: Marc Klein

Jezik: angleški, francoski

Igra usode - Serendipity

Slovenski opis filma:

Nekega čarobnega večera se nepričakovano spoznata Jonathan in Sara – a se spet ločita, ko ona sklene, da ju mora usoda pripeljati skupaj. Čez nekaj let sta vsak v svoji zvezi, a nista opustila upanja, da se bosta nekega dne spet srečala.Jonathan (John Cusack) in Sara (Kate Beckinsale) sta Newyorčana vsak v svoji ljubezenski zvezi, ki se nekega čarobnega večera nepričakovano spoznata, potem ko skušata oba kupiti še zadnji par volnenih rokavic na razprodaji. Med skupno kavo se zapleteta v intimen pogovor in Jonathan misli, da bi se morala še kdaj videti. Sara, ki ni prepričana o tem, pripravi niz "usodnih" naključij – če jima je zares usojeno biti skupaj, pa naj bi z Jonathanom prejela nekakšno sporočilo višjih sil. Časovni preskok nekaj let pozneje: sta na različnih koncih države, Jonathan v New Yorku in Sara v San Franciscu, oba sta zaročena z drugima partnerjema ter tik pred poroko. Vendar ne moreta pozabiti na naključno srečanje in svoja najboljša prijatelja prepričata, da jima pomagata spet najti resnično ljubezen.

Originalni opis filma:

Jonathan Trager and Sara Thomas met while shopping for gloves in New York. Though buying for their respective lovers, the magic was right and a night of Christmas shopping turned into romance. Jon wanted to explore things further but Sara wasn't sure their love was meant to be. They decided to test fate by splitting up and seeing if destiny brought them back together... Many years later, having lost each other that night, both are engaged to be married. Still, neither can shake the need to give fate one last chance to reunite them. Jon enlists the help of his best man to track down the girl he can't forget starting at the store where they met. Sara asks her new age musician fiance for a break before the wedding and, with her best friend in tow, flies from California to New York hoping destiny will bring her soulmate back. Near-misses and classic Shakespearean confusion bring the two close to meeting a number of times but fate will have the final word on whether it was meant to be.