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Goljufi, 2002

Cheats, Kanada, ZDA, 86 min

Imdb ocena 6.2

Žanr: komedija

Igrajo: Kathryn Anderson, Babs Chula, Dixon Cohee, Casey Dubois

Režija: Andrew Gurland

Avtorji: Andrew Gurland

Jezik: angleški

Goljufi - Cheats

Slovenski opis filma:

Medtem ko ostali dijaki ure in ure preživijo pred knjigami, da bi s svojim znanjem navdušili profesorje in si prislužili dobre ocene, se Davis in njegovi trije prijatelji uprejo nepravičnemu izobraževalnemu sistemu. V nasprotju s sošolci se oni z lažmi, prevarami in goljufijami prebijajo skozi srednjo šolo. Med testi na veliko plonkajo, kar se jim je do sedaj dobro obneslo. Toda v zadnjem letniku se pojavijo težave. Če jih bo ravnateljica spet zalotila pri prepisovanju, si bodo uničili možnosti za vpis na fakulteto. Bo Davis uspel prepričati prijatelje, da izpeljejo še svoj zadnji podvig ter na kocko postavijo svojo prihodnost in prijateljstvo?

Originalni opis filma:

While other kids buy into countless hours of studying just so they can get a mark in some teacher's report book, Handsome Davis sees it as nothing more than a system of control over your mind. That's why Handsome and his three best friends Sammy, Victor and the cribsheet genius Applebee have banded together and found ways to cheat on their tests all through their school years. Everything had been going along smoothly until the gang entered their final year of high school and the stakes were upped by the school's principal, Mrs. Stark. If they get caught cheating again Stark will make a note in their permanent records and possibly kill their chances of getting into college. But can Handsome convince his pals to pull off one last, great cheat with him and outsmarting Stark and the system, even if it means possibly destroying their friendships?