Hartova vojna
Hart's War, ZDA, 125 min
Imdb ocena 6.3
Žanr: drama, vojni
Igrajo: Bruce Willis, Colin Farrell, Terrence Howard, Cole Hauser
Režija: Gregory Hoblit
Avtorji: John Katzenbach (novela), Billy Ray (scenarij), Terry George (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški, nemški
Slovenski opis filma:
Ameriški polkovnik William McNamara se med drugo svetovno vojno znajde v nemškem taborišču za vojne ujetnike. Med vsemi ujetimi Američani ima najvišji čin, zato poveljuje sojetnikom, čeprav jih budno opazuje nemški polkovnik Visser. McNamara potrpežljivo čaka na pravi trenutek, da bo udaril po sovražniku. Ko v taborišču pride do umora, dobi priložnost, da izpelje svoj načrt. Z drugimi vojaki namerava pobegniti in pri tem uničiti še tovarno orožja. V svoj načrt vplete mladega vojaka Tommyja Harta. Toda nazadnje se je McNamara prisiljen odločiti, kaj ima večjo vrednost. Njegovo lastno življenje ali dobrobit njegovih mož in domovine?
Originalni opis filma:
Fourth-generation Army Col. William McNamara is imprisoned in a brutal German POW camp. Still, as the senior-ranking American officer, he commands his fellow inmates, keeping a sense of honor alive in a place where honor is easy to destroy, all under the dangerous eye of the Luftwafe vetran Col. Wilhelm Visser. Never giving up the fight to win the war, McNamara is silently planning, waiting for his moment to strike back at the enemy. A murder in the camp gives him the chance to set a risky plan in motion. With a court martial to keep Visser and the Germans distracted, McNamara orchestrates a cunning scheme to escape and destroy a nearby munitions plant, enlisting the unwitting help of young Lt. Tommy Hart. Together with his men, McNamara uses a hero's resolve to carry out his mission, ultimately forced to weigh the value of his life against the good of his country.