Moja punca je gangster
Life Without Dick, ZDA, 97 min
Imdb ocena 3.9
Žanr: komedija, kriminalni, romantični
Igrajo: Sarah Jessica Parker, Harry Connick Jr., Johnny Knoxville, Craig Ferguson
Režija: Bix Skahill
Avtorji: Bix Skahill
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Naslednica premožnega podjetja Colleen Gibson ponesreči ubije svojega fanta Dicka Rasmussona. Toda sluzasti zasebni detektiv Dick je bil že tako ali tako na mafijskem seznamu za odstrel. Ubil naj bi ga ne preveč uspešen poklicni morilec in član irske mafije Daniel Gallagher, ki bi rad uspel kot pevec. Ko se Daniel in Colleen spoznata, med njima preskočijo iskre, to pa njuni življenji še dodatno zaplete.
Originalni opis filma:
By accident, Colleen Gibson shoots and kills her gold-digging cheating boyfriend, Dick, a private eye who happens to have a hitman on his tail. Danny the hitman works for his brother-in-law, a cheerful but nasty Irish mobster, hasn't actually killed anyone, and wants to be a singer. He falls for Colleen. she likes him, too. He can solve her problem (Dick's body), she can solve his (meeting the mobster's demands that he kill people like Dick). Danny has an ex-girlfriend, who might still hold the key to his heart, two cops are sniffing around for Dick, a junk yard owner gets a conscience, and a talent show is coming up. Bullets, music, and true love are set to collide.