Butec in butec 2
Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd, ZDA, 85 min
Imdb ocena 3.4
Žanr: komedija
Igrajo: Timothy Stack, Mimi Rogers, Wayne Federman, Lucas Gregory
Režija: Troy Miller
Avtorji: Peter Farrelly (liki), Bennett Yellin (liki), Bobby Farrelly (liki), Robert Brener (zgodba), Robert Brener (scenarij), Troy Miller (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Vsi se spomnimo legendarne komedije Butec in butec, v kateri smo se smejali najboljšima prijateljema Harryju in Lloydu. Harry se je ukvarjal z vzrejo psov, Lloyd pa si je kruh služil kot šofer limuzine. In eden je bil bolj zabit od drugega. Sedaj se bomo odpravili v gimnazijska leta, ko se Harry in Lloyd spoznata. Takoj postaneta najboljša prijatelja, ker pa sta nekoliko omejena, ju želi pokvarjen ravnatelj vpisati v lažen program za učence s posebnimi potrebami, državni denar pa pospraviti v svoj žep. Butasta, kot sta, mu nasedeta. Fanta kmalu pritegneta pozornost lepe in sumničave šolske novinarke Jessice Matthews.
Originalni opis filma:
It's the 1980s, and it's the moment that Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne meet. The two individuals are seen by many as 'special', and become best friends as soon as they meet. Principal Collins and his lover, the lunch lady Ms. Heller, want to make as much money out of scams, and their next idea is to create a special needs class. Ms. Heller is the teacher, and they have assigned Harry and Lloyd to round the special students up. School News Reporter Jessica is suspicious though, and desperately tries to find out the truth, even if it means gaining Harry and Lloyd's help.