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Črni predsednik

Črni predsednik, 2003

Head of State, ZDA, 95 min

Imdb ocena 5.4

Žanr: komedija

Igrajo: Chris Rock, Bernie Mac, Dylan Baker, Nick Searcy

Režija: Chris Rock

Avtorji: Chris Rock, Ali LeRoi

Jezik: angleški

Črni predsednik - Head of State

Slovenski opis filma:

Nekaj mesecev pred volitvami za novega ameriškega predsednika ankete kažejo, da bo predsedniški stolček zasedel sedanji podpredsednik Brian Lewis. Možnosti za njegovo zmago se še povečajo, ko njegov nasprotnik umre v letalski nesreči. Predsednik demokratov, senator Bill Arnot, se zato odloči, da bo v igro pripeljal novega kandidata, ki bo malce začinil predsedniško tekmo. Tako izbere temnopoltega mladeniča Maysa Gilliama, na katerega sprva ne stavi nihče. Toda bolj ko se Gilliam izmika napisanim govorom, ki jih v javnosti zamenja s svojimi besedami, bolj narašča njegova priljubljenost.

Originalni opis filma:

One candidate for the presidency dies in an accident a couple of weeks before the election. Meanwhile the alderman Mays Gilliam becomes a hero when he rescues a woman and her cat from an old house that would blow up. However his fiancee Kim does not pay his bills and dumps him, and Gilliam loses everything including his fancy car. When Senator Bill Arnot sees the news on television, he plots a scheme with the party advisors Martin Geller and Debra Lassiter to invite Mays to be the party nominee and lose the election for the other candidate, Vice-President Brian Lewis. Four years later, he would be the candidate and would have the chance of winning the election. Mays has a terrible beginning of campaign but when his older brother Mitch Gilliam meets him in Chicago, he advises Mays to be himself. Will he have the chance to be the first African American President of the USA?