Kako se znebiti fanta v 10 dneh
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, ZDA, Nemčija, 116 min
Imdb ocena 6.5
Žanr: komedija, romantični
Igrajo: Kate Hudson, Matthew McConaughey, Kathryn Hahn, Annie Parisse
Režija: Donald Petrie
Avtorji: Michele Alexander (knjiga), Jeannie Long (knjiga), Kristen Buckley (scenarij), Brian Regan (scenarij), Burr Steers (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Andie mora za žensko revijo napisati članek o tem, kako se znebiti fanta v desetih dneh. Da bi prišla do informacij iz prve roke, mora najti fanta, nato pa ga v desetih dneh pripraviti do tega, da jo zapusti. Na svojo smolo naleti na očarljivega Benjamina, ki dela v oglaševalski agenciji. Benjamin ima svoje motive, da se zaplete z Andie, saj mu šef obljubi mamljiv posel, če ostane z njo več kot deset dni. Andie tako stori vse, kar je možno, da bi jo Benjamin le dal na čevelj, on pa medtem potrpežljivo prenaša njene izpade.
Originalni opis filma:
Benjamin Barry is an advertising executive competing with two female co-workers for a major campaign for a diamond merchant. He cuts a deal with his competitors that the account is his if he can make a woman of their choice fall in love with him in 10 days. In comes Andie Anderson who, in turn, is writing a story on how to lose a guy in 10 days as a bet with her boss to be allowed to write more substantial stories. With a hidden agenda in each camp, will either party be able to complete their mission?