Lobanje 3
The Skulls III, Kanada, 102 min
Imdb ocena 4.8
Žanr: triler
Igrajo: Clare Kramer, Bryce Johnson, Barry Bostwick, Steve Braun
Režija: J. Miles Dale
Avtorji: John Pogue (film The Skulls), Joe Johnson
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Taylor Brooks je študentka na univerzi Yale. Še vedno jo preganja smrt brata Sama, ki je umrl, ker si je želel mesto v tajnem šolskem društvu z imenom Lobanje. Taylor je sedaj odločena, da bo postala prva ženska članica tega društva. Čeprav naleti na nasprotovanje z vseh strani, se odloči, da bo vztrajala. Ko se ji potem želja naposled le uresniči, se znajde sredi nočne more, saj ji nekdo podtakne umor.
Originalni opis filma:
Taylor Brooks is a young, overachieving coed at a posh New England college who decides to pledge The Skulls, the secret society of which her father and many of the faculty are members, and for which her older brother died years earlier during an initiation rite. Her resolve to break the all-male Skulls' taboo against female membership by aggressively campaigning to be its first female entrant puts her at odds with most other pledges and alumni members. When she finally succeeds in fulfilling her goal, despite interference from a few Skull members, she finds herself in hot water, with her boyfriend murdered and herself accused of the crime. Taylor must find a way to prove her innocence and find the real killer despite the fact that no one around her can be trusted.