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Poslednji samuraj

Poslednji samuraj, 2003

The Last Samurai, ZDA, Nova Zelandija, Japonska, 154 min

Imdb ocena 7.7

Žanr: akcijski, drama, zgodovinski

Igrajo: Ken Watanabe, Tom Cruise, William Atherton, Chad Lindberg

Režija: Edward Zwick

Avtorji: John Logan (zgodba), John Logan (scenarij), Edward Zwick (scenarij), Marshall Herskovitz (scenarij)

Jezik: angleški, japonski

Poslednji samuraj - The Last Samurai

Slovenski opis filma:

Druga polovica 19. stoletja. Vojaškega oficirja Nathana Algrena po koncu ameriške državljanske vojne razjeda krivda. Svoje življenje je postavljal na kocko za čast in domovino, zdaj pa ugotavlja, da se je svet spremenil. Na drugem koncu sveta, na Japonskem, pa spoznamo Kacumota, zadnjega vodjo samurajev, ki že stoletja posvečajo življenje cesarju in domovini. Nathan in Kacumoto se spoznata, ko hoče mladi japonski cesar pod pritiskom svojih svetovalcev okrepiti gospodarske stike z Zahodom. Samuraji se temu upirajo, zato cesar najame Nathana, da bi izuril prvo sodobno japonsko naborniško vojsko za upor proti samurajem.

Originalni opis filma:

In the 1870s, Captain Nathan Algren, a cynical veteran of the American Civil war who will work for anyone, is hired by Americans who want lucrative contracts with the Emperor of Japan to train the peasant conscripts for the first standing imperial army in modern warfare using firearms. The imperial Omura cabinet's first priority is to repress a rebellion of traditionalist Samurai -hereditary warriors- who remain devoted to the sacred dynasty but reject the Westernizing policy and even refuse firearms. Yet when his ill-prepared superior force sets out too soon, their panic allows the sword-wielding samurai to crush them. Badly wounded Algren's courageous stand makes the samurai leader Katsumoto spare his life; once nursed to health he learns to know and respect the old Japanese way, and participates as advisor in Katsumoto's failed attempt to save the Bushido tradition, but Omura gets repressive laws enacted- he must now choose to honor his loyalty to one of the embittered sides when the conflict returns to the battlefield...