Severni Hollywood
Hollywood North, Kanada, 89 min
Imdb ocena 5.5
Žanr: komedija
Igrajo: Matthew Modine, Saul Rubinek, Alan Bates, Joe Cobden
Režija: Peter O'Brian
Avtorji: Barry Healey, John Hunter, Tony Johnston
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Bobby Myers je odvetnik, ki mu je do sedaj v življenju šlo vse natanko tako kot si je zamislil. Ker je zdolgočasen in išče nov izziv v življenju, se odloči, da bo odkupil pravice ganljivega kanadskega romana in po njem posnel film. Kmalu spozna, da snemanje filma ni tako preprosto, kot si je predstavljal, saj zahteva mnogo kompromisov. Njegov projekt uide izpod nadzora, saj mu preglavice povzročata glavna zvezda in avtorica knjige, poleg tega pa so močno prekoračili proračun filma.
Originalni opis filma:
Former lawyer Bobby Myers recounts his first foray in the Canadian movie business circa 1979, when the then burgeoning Canadian movie industry was going through some growing pains. He wanted his first project as producer to be told by Canadians about issues close to the Canadian heart. As such, he acquired the rights to Lantern Moon, a beloved Canadian novel written by Lindsay May Marshall. He quickly realized that producing a movie in Canada, especially in acquiring financing, required much compromise, most specifically casting a big name Hollywood star in the leading role. The star he signs, Michael Baytes, comes with much baggage. Those compromises lead to many problems between the Canadian vision and the want by some to make the movie more "American", especially by ultra-patriotic and paranoid Baytes. Through it all, filmmaker Sandy Ryan films it all, good and bad, for a "making of" documentary. But Sandy has her own agenda as she concurrently films her own lower budget movie called Human Voices.