Agent Cody Banks 2
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London, ZDA, 100 min
Imdb ocena 4.5
Žanr: akcijski, avantura, komedija
Igrajo: Frankie Muniz, Anthony Anderson, Hannah Spearritt, Cynthia Stevenson
Režija: Kevin Allen
Avtorji: Jeffrey Jurgensen (liki), Harald Zwart (zgodba), Dylan Sellers (zgodba), Don Rhymer (zgodba), Don Rhymer (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Najstniški tajni agent Cody Banks ima pred seboj novo nevarno nalogo. Pokvarjen agent, ki je obenem njegov bivši mentor, je ukradel pomembno napravo za nadzorovanje misli. Cody mora pod krinko odpotovati v London, da bi napravo dobil nazaj. Na elitni glasbeni šoli se izdaja za študenta in paziti mora, da nihče ne odkrije njegove prave identitete. Tako mora slediti svoji tarči in se obenem še učiti igrati na violino.
Originalni opis filma:
One year later, agent Cody Banks is back for another awesome adventure but this time he must track down a former instructor who's gone rogue with a mind-control microchip. Banks masquerades as a musical prodigy to get close to a snobby, egocentric scientist in London who's the only person who can make the microchip work. Along the way Banks hooks up with a demoted agent and a cute-as-a-bug Scotland Yard operative. When Agent Cody Banks heads to England to catch an evil scientist who's stolen a mind-control device for his plot to rule the world and turning the world leaders into zombies!