Čudovita dežela
The Beautiful Country, Norveška, ZDA, 125 min
Imdb ocena 7.4
Žanr: drama
Igrajo: Damien Nguyen, Bai Ling, Thi Hoa Mai, Nick Nolte
Režija: Hans Petter Moland
Avtorji: Sabina Murray (zgodba), Lingard Jervey (zgodba), Sabina Murray (scenarij)
Jezik: vietnamski, angleški, mandarinski, kitajski, Malay
Slovenski opis filma:
Binh je potomec Vietnamke in ameriškega vojaka. Odraščal je pri krušni materi in o svojih pravih starših ne ve veliko. Vse, kar ima, je stara fotografija očeta in mame. Po mučnih letih zaničevanja, se odloči oditi v Ameriko in poiskati očeta, pridružita pa se mu mlajši polbrat in lepa Ling. Začne se kruta pot, posejana s številnimi bridkimi preizkušnjami, še bolj negotov pa je odziv Binhovega očeta, na nepričakovano sinovo vrnitev.
Originalni opis filma:
One of the consequences of the U.S.-Viet Nam war was the children of G.I.s by their Viet Namese wives and lovers. For years, women who were involved with U.S. soldiers were social outcasts, treated as collaborators while their children, even when living with grandparents, endured taunts and abuse. This is the story of one such child, Binh, being forced from his village at seventeen years, going to Saigon to find his mother, then trying to escape to the U.S. with his much younger half-brother, Tam, in 1990. The film lingers on the rigors of the voyage: the sampan, the Malaysian detention camps, the illegal refugee ship, and the underground economy with near-slavery in New York City. It then opens up when Binh leaves New York for Houston to find his father.