Osvoji ljubezen!
Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!, ZDA, 95 min
Imdb ocena 5.6
Žanr: komedija, romantični
Igrajo: Kate Bosworth, Topher Grace, Josh Duhamel, Nathan Lane
Režija: Robert Luketic
Avtorji: Victor Levin
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Rosalee Futch živi v majhnem podeželskem mestecu, kjer je zaposlena kot prodajalka v trgovini. S prijateljico Cathy sta veliki oboževalki filmskega zvezdnika Tada Hamiltona. Ko Rosalee izve za tekmovanje, kjer je glavna nagrada zmenek s Tadom, se brez pomislekov prijavi. In na koncu zmaga! Tako odleti v Kalifornijo, kjer preživi čaroben večer s svojim idolom in ga popolnoma očara, nato pa se vrne domov. Ker Tad ne more nehati misliti nanjo, kariero potisne na stranski tir in odpotuje k njej. Vendar se za Rosaleejino naklonjenost poteguje še nekdo.
Originalni opis filma:
Rosalee Futch is a grocery clerk living in rural West Virginia. But even a small-town girl can have big dreams, and Rosalee's is to someday--somehow--meet her big-screen idol Tad Hamilton. The somehow arrives in the form of a contest--the grand prize: a date with Tad Hamilton--and the someday is now. Rosalee wins, much to the chagrin of her best friend and co-worker Pete, who is deeply, hopelessly--and secretly--in love with Rosalee. The Win a Date contest was cooked up by Tad's agent, Richard Levy, and his manager, also named Richard Levy, to clean up Tad's bad-boy image. Someone should have told them to be careful what you wish for. When Tad meets Rosalee and gets a taste of what he's been missing in the real world, he decides he wants seconds and moves to West Virginia, turning Rosalee's dream come true into a nightmare for Richard Levy, Richard Levy and, most of all, Pete.