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Policist in plesalka

Policist in plesalka, 2004

The Keeper, Kanada, Velika Britanija, 95 min

Imdb ocena 4.7

Žanr: kriminalni, triler, drama

Igrajo: Dennis Hopper, Asia Argento, Helen Shaver, Lochlyn Munro

Režija: Paul Lynch

Avtorji: Gerald Sanford

Jezik: angleški

Policist in plesalka - The Keeper

Slovenski opis filma:

Poročnik Krebs je na prvi pogled ugleden policist, toda v resnici se v njem skriva psihopat, ki si svoje tarče izbira med mladimi plesalkami. Njegova žrtev postane Gina, ki jo potem, ko je bila napadena, prepriča, da se usede v njegov avto pod pretvezo, da jo bo odpeljal domov. Toda nekaj ur kasneje se Gina zbudi v Krebsovi kleti, ki spominja na zapor. Medtem narednik Burns poskuša najdi sledi, ki bi ga pripeljale do skrivnostno izginule Gine.

Originalni opis filma:

In Redwood County, the dancer Gina is attacked and her boyfriend is killed by a maniac in a motel. Gina is attended by Sergeant Burns and Lieutenant Krebs insists in giving a lift to her when she leaves the hospital. However, he kidnaps Gina and arrests her in a cell in the basement of his isolated house. The deranged policeman has a serious trauma from his childhood with dancers of night-clubs and establishes rules and punctuations for Gina while she is imprisoned. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Krebs is stalked by a local, Ruthie, who has a crush on him and wants to promote his amateurish puppet show with the character Deputy Rock, his alter-ego. Sgt. Burns is trying to find a clue where the missing Gina may be.