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Pred mrakom

Pred mrakom, 2004

Before Sunset, ZDA, 80 min

Imdb ocena 8.1

Žanr: drama, romantični

Igrajo: Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy, Vernon Dobtcheff, Louise Lemoine Torrès

Režija: Richard Linklater

Avtorji: Richard Linklater (scenarij), Julie Delpy (scenarij), Ethan Hawke (scenarij), Richard Linklater (zgodba), Kim Krizan (zgodba), Richard Linklater (liki), Kim Krizan (liki)

Jezik: angleški, francoski

Pred mrakom - Before Sunset

Slovenski opis filma:

Scenarij za film je bil nominiran za oskarja. Gre za nadaljevanje filma Pred zoro. Ko sta se prvič srečala v Evropi, sta Američan Jesse in Francozinja Celine imela samo nekaj ur časa, da sta se bolje spoznala. In tiste ure so za vedno spremenile njuno življenje. Devet let kasneje se sedaj zgodba ponovi. Srečata se v Parizu in preostane jima samo eno popoldne, da se odločita, ali jima je usojeno ostati skupaj.

Originalni opis filma:

Early thirty-something American Jesse Wallace is in a Paris bookstore, the last stop on a tour to promote his best selling book, This Time. Although he is vague to reporters about the source material for the book, it is about his chance encounter nine years earlier on June 15-16, 1994 with a Parisienne named Celine, and the memorable and romantic day and evening they spent together in Vienna. At the end of their encounter at the Vienna train station, which is also how the book ends, they, not providing contact information to the other, vowed to meet each other again in exactly six months at that very spot. As the media scrum at the bookstore nears its conclusion, Jesse spots Celine in the crowd, she who only found out about the book when she earlier saw his photograph promoting this public appearance. Much like their previous encounter, Jesse and Celine, who is now an environmental activist, decide to spend time together until he is supposed to catch his flight back to New York, this time only being about an hour. Beyond the issue of the six month meeting, what has happened in their lives in the intervening nine years, and their current lives, they once again talk about their philosophies of life and love, this time with the knowledge of their day together and how it shaped what has happened to them.