Srce poletja
Raise Your Voice, ZDA, 103 min
Imdb ocena 5.9
Žanr: družinski, glasbeni, romantični
Igrajo: Hilary Duff, Oliver James, David Keith, Dana Davis
Režija: Sean McNamara
Avtorji: Mitch Rotter (zgodba), Sam Schreiber (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški, francoski
Slovenski opis filma:
Terri Fletcher je zvezda domačega cerkvenega zbora, ki sanja o tem, da bi s svojim odličnim glasom uspela v glasbeni industriji. Ko njen brat umre v prometni nesreči, se Terri podre svet. Potem se izkaže, da je brat tik pred smrtjo posnetek njenega petja skrivaj poslal na prestižno glasbeno akademijo v Los Angeles. Ta jo zdaj povabi v svoj poletni izobraževalni program. Terrijinim sanjam na poti stoji njen oče, ki je odločno proti temu, da bi njegova hčerka odšla od doma. Medtem jo njena mama in teta pri tem podpirata in ji skrivaj pomagata, da odpotuje v Los Angeles.
Originalni opis filma:
This film is about a teenage girl who is very upset about her brother's death in a car crash. Terri has a love of singing and making up her own songs. Her brother (before his death) secretly submits a DVD of her singing to a musical summer camp down in L.A. Her father doesn't want her to go, but secretly her mom lets her go and everything goes fine, except she has stage fright. She gets through her stage fright with the help of her new friend Jay. At the end of the contest everyone at the musical school have to perform something. And if they win, they win a scholarship along with it. Her dad finds out, comes down to L.A. and threatens to take her home! Will he let her stay? and will she win the contest? Viewers are on the edges of their seats to find out what happens...