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Zapeljivka, 2004

A Good Woman, Velika Britanija, Italija, Španija, Luksemburg, ZDA, 93 min

Imdb ocena 6.5

Žanr: drama, komedija, romantični

Igrajo: Helen Hunt, Scarlett Johansson, Milena Vukotic, Stephen Campbell Moore

Režija: Mike Barker

Avtorji: Oscar Wilde (play), Howard Himelstein (scenarij)

Jezik: angleški, italijanski

Zapeljivka - A Good Woman

Slovenski opis filma:

Gospa Erlynne je vdova, ki dneve preživlja v družbi mnogih poročenih ljubimcev. Toda zaradi čedalje večjega števila ljubosumnih soprog se odloči, da bo zapustila domači Manhattan in se odpravila na italijansko obalo. Tam bi rada osvojila mladega bogataša Roberta Windermera, ki je poročen z mlado in naivno lepotico Meg. In medtem ko se Erlynne trudi osvojiti Roberta, se za njo začne zanimati čudaški Tuppy. To pa še ni vse, saj Meg postane predmet poželenja drugega moškega.

Originalni opis filma:

In 1930, Mrs. Erlynne, who describes herself as poor and infamous, driven from New York society by jealous wives, sees a news photo of wealthy Lord Windermere and his young wife: she heads for the Amalfi Coast to be among the rich and famous for 'the season' and to snare Mr. Windermere. Gossips twitter as he spends his afternoons with her, his wife blissfully innocent as she blushingly fends off attentions from a young English nobleman, an international playboy who thinks he's in love. Mrs. Erlynne is also pursued by a worldly-wise older English nobleman. Mrs. Windermere's 20th birthday party approaches, where all plays out amid numerous amoral Wildean aphorisms.