Bled kot mrlič
Turning Green, ZDA, Irska, 85 min
Imdb ocena 5.6
Žanr: drama, komedija
Igrajo: Timothy Hutton, Alessandro Nivola, Colm Meaney, Donal Gallery
Režija: Michael Aimette, John G. Hofmann
Avtorji: Michael Aimette, John G. Hofmann
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Mlad Američan, ki se po materini smrti preseli k tetam na Irsko, išče odgovor na vprašanje, kje je njegov pravi dom.Šestnajstletni James Powers je Američan, ki se mora konec 70. let prejšnjega stoletja zaradi materine smrti preseliti k tetam na Irsko. Žalosten in osamljen hrepeni po domu in razmišlja, kako bi zaslužil denar za vrnitev. Na izletu v Londonu James odkrije pornografijo. Ker nujno potrebuje denar, začne posnetke preprodajati na Irskem. Ko končno zbere dovolj denarja za vrnitev domov, pa ni več prepričan, kje sploh je njegov dom.
Originalni opis filma:
Set in late 1970s Ireland, it tells the story of 16-year-old James Powers, an American who finds himself lost after his mother dies and he is forced to live with his three Irish aunts. Displaced and depressed, he longs for a way to make it back to America. One lucky weekend in London, James discovers pornography and, desperate for cash, he decides to sell them back in Ireland. His success spreads wildly. After finding a possible way home, he must decide where home really is, and finds that one's place in the world is all a state of mind.