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Capote, 2005

Capote, ZDA, Kanada, 114 min

Imdb ocena 7.3

Žanr: biografski, kriminalni, drama

Igrajo: Allie Mickelson, Kelci Stephenson, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Craig Archibald

Režija: Bennett Miller

Avtorji: Dan Futterman (scenarij), Gerald Clarke (knjiga)

Jezik: angleški

Capote - Capote

Slovenski opis filma:

Leta 1959 Truman Capote izve za umor družine iz Kansasa in sklene o tem napisati knjigo. Medtem ko raziskuje za svoj roman "Hladnokrvno", sklene nenavadno prijateljstvo z enim od morilcev, ki v zaporu čaka na smrtno kazen. Leta 1959 kontroverzni aktivist Truman Capote, slavni pisec za časnik "The New Yorker", izve za grozljivi in brezčutni umor štiričlanske družine Clutter iz Holcomba v Kansasu. Navdihnjen z dogodki se v spremstvu partnerja Harperja Leeja odpravi tja, da bi raziskal okoliščine za članek, ki naj bi ga napisal. Medtem ko poizveduje o umoru, sklene prispevek razširiti v knjigo, ki naj bi bila njegovo najboljše delo: roman "Hladnokrvno". V ta namen pripravi niz dolgih intervjujev z obema obsojencema, posebej s Perryjem Smithom, molčečim in omikanim moškim s težavno preteklostjo. Med pripravami na knjigo sklene nenavadno prijateljstvo z morilcem, do katerega ima določeno mero sočutja, ta pa ga pripravi do tega, da po svojih močeh pomaga obema jetnikoma. Ta odnos je v nasprotju s pisateljevo potrebo po zaključku knjige, ki ga lahko prinese le izvršitev smrtne kazni. Notranji konflikt in mešani občutki po pogovorih z obema kaznjencema prinesejo težavno izkušnjo, ki se bo nazadnje prelila v knjigo – ta pa bo na novo opredelila vso sodobno stvarno literaturo.

Originalni opis filma:

Famed writer Truman Capote, southern born and bred but now part of the New York City social circle, is growing weary of his current assignment of writing autobiographical type pieces for the New Yorker. After reading a newspaper article about the just occurred November 14, 1959 cold blooded murders of the Clutter family in their rural Kansas home, Truman feels compelled to write about that event as his next article. So he and his personal assistant Nelle Harper Lee, also a southern born New Yorker and an aspiring writer of her own, head to Kansas to research the story first-hand. Truman hopes to use his celebrity status to gain access to whomever he needs, such as to Laura Kinney, a friend of the Clutter daughter she who discovered the bodies, and to Alvin Dewey, the lead police investigator and also a Clutter family friend. If his celebrity doesn't work, Truman will grease the wheels by whatever means necessary. When the police eventually charge suspects, two young men named Dick Hickcock and Perry Smith, Truman uses those same tactics to gain access to them. Truman's fascination with the story makes him believe that he can revolutionize writing by expanding the germ of the article into what he calls a non-fiction novel. His personal involvement also changes as he grows emotionally attached to Perry, the seemingly sensitive and thus probable submissive in the criminal pairing, thus Truman becoming part of the story itself. Article or non-fiction novel, Truman knows that he has to take it to its natural conclusion, something which he cannot force. But also missing are the details of the November 14, 1959 event itself, something that neither Dick or Perry have divulged even in testimony.