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Eksperiment, 2005

Experiment, Velika Britanija, 95 min

Imdb ocena 5.2

Žanr: triler

Igrajo: John Hopkins, Georgina French, Mem Ferda, David Gant

Režija: Dan Turner

Avtorji: John Harrison, Dan Turner

Jezik: angleški

Eksperiment - Experiment

Slovenski opis filma:

Mlada ženska, Anna, hodi po ulicah tujega mesta. Njen um je poln bolečine. Ne spomni se, kdo je. Mučijo jo mračne vizije. Nato sreča Morgana, človeka, ki je tudi izgubil spomin. Prisiljena zaupati drug drugemu, oba čutita skrivnostno povezavo. Ne vesta pa, da vsako njuno dejanje vodijo nevidne sile iz temnih podzemnih senc mesta. Anna in Morgan sta del zastrašujočega eksperimenta, ki bo imel grozljiv in šokanten zaključek. V tem temnem psihološkem trilerju ni pobega.

Originalni opis filma:

A young woman, Anna, walks the streets of a foreign city. Her mind full of pain. No memory of who she is. and plagued by nightmarish visions. Then she meets Morgan, a man who also has no memory. Forced to trust each other, the two feel a mysterious connection. A strong powerful feeling that bonds the two together Unknown to them their every action is being guided by unseen forces from the dark underground shadows of the city. Anna and Morgan are part of a frightening experiment that will have a terrifying and shocking conclusion. There is no escape in this dark psychological thriller