Sanjsko zabijanje
Rebound, ZDA, 86 min
Imdb ocena 5.2
Žanr: komedija, družinski, Športni
Igrajo: Martin Lawrence, Wendy Raquel Robinson, Breckin Meyer, Horatio Sanz
Režija: Steve Carr
Avtorji: William Wolff (zgodba), Ed Decter (zgodba), John J. Strauss (zgodba), Jon Lucas (scenarij), Scott Moore (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Roy McCormick je uspešen trener košarke na kolidžu, ki je znan tako po svojem izvrstnem trenerskem delu kot po svoji vročekrvni in nasilni naravi. Ko po nezaslišanem incidentu v javnosti izgubi službo, je Ray odločen, da bo našel način, s pomočjo katerega bo opral svoje ime. Tako postane trener na šoli, ki jo je pred davnimi leti obiskoval tudi sam, a kmalu spozna, da ima opravka z nevzgojenimi in nenadarjenimi šolarji, ki bolj kot trenerja potrebujejo vzornika in varuha. Toda ali je Roy prava oseba, ki naj bi jih naučil igranja košarke in jim vdihnil zmagoslavnega duha?
Originalni opis filma:
Coach Roy once was college basketball's top mastermind. But lately his attentions have been on his next endorsements, not on his next game. What¹s more, Roy's temper has run amuck, leading to his being banned from college ball until he can demonstrate compliance--in other words, not explode every time he walks onto the court. Roy waits and waits; for a suitable coaching offer, but he receives only one: the Mount Vernon Junior High School Smelters basketball squad. Roy reluctantly accepts the offer, hoping that a few weeks at the school will prove his good intentions and restore him to his high-living ways as a celebrated college coach. But when old school meets middle school, Coach Roy doesn't know what hit him. It's not until Roy decides to teach his young charges some new concepts--like passing, rebounding, dribbling, and scoring--that the Smelters begin to find success and Roy finds something long thought lost: his love of the game.