XXX2: V pripravljenosti
xXx: State of the Union, ZDA, 101 min
Imdb ocena 4.5
Žanr: akcijski, avantura, kriminalni
Igrajo: Willem Dafoe, Samuel L. Jackson, Ice Cube, Scott Speedman
Režija: Lee Tamahori
Avtorji: Rich Wilkes (liki), Simon Kinberg
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Augustus Gibbons, agent Agencije za državno varnost, preživi napad neznanih storilcev na skriti štab agencije. Sumi, da so bili napadalci naročeni znotraj vlade, zato poišče novega agenta, ki jim bo stopil na prste. Hoče izkušenega in dobro izurjenega vojaka, ki bo brez večjih težav obračunal z nepridipravi. Prava oseba za to nalogo je Darius Stone, vendar je trenutno v zaporu, ker je udaril nadrejenega. Gibbons mu pomaga pobegniti iz zapora in ga prepriča, da sprejme nalogo. Ko ugrabijo ameriškega predsednika, se Darius s pomočniki znajde sredi najtežje naloge.
Originalni opis filma:
Agent Augustus Gibbons has selected an imprisoned former US Navy SEAL Darius Stone, a new agent in the XXX program, travels to Washington D.C., where they track a splinter faction of the U.S. military that attempts to overthrow the U.S. government and assassinate the President, led by Secretary of Defense and former 4-Star General George Deckert, Stone's former commanding officer whom he once led a mutiny against. But he's been targeted for assassination by a radical splinter group of dissenters deep within the United States government. The new XXX agent must uncover the insurgents from within. It is the nation's only hope to stop the first coup d'etat in American history.