Barva življenja
Local Color, ZDA, 107 min
Imdb ocena 6.9
Žanr: drama
Igrajo: Armin Mueller-Stahl, Trevor Morgan, Ray Liotta, Charles Durning
Režija: George Gallo
Avtorji: George Gallo
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Nadarjeni, a težavni 18-letni John si želi postati slikar in se spoprijatelji z ostarelim ruskim umetnikom Nicholijem Seroffom, ki ni obrnil hrbta le umetnosti, temveč tudi življenju. Po ženini smrti pred več leti je postal zagrenjen in se začel predajati alkoholu. Nadobudni fant si želi, da bi mu mojster predal svoje slikarsko znanje, zato se mu pridruži na počitnicah na podeželju. Njun odnos je sprva napet, a Johnu le uspe v umetniku znova vzbuditi zanimanje za slikanje in mu povrniti voljo do življenja. Drug drugemu dasta neprecenljivo darilo: učenec se nauči gledati svet skozi oči mojstra, mojster pa skozi oči nedolžnosti. Film temelji na resnični zgodbi.
Originalni opis filma:
A successful artist looks back with loving memories on the summer of his defining year, 1974. A talented but troubled 18-year-old aspiring artist befriends a brilliant elderly alcoholic painter who has turned his back on not only art but life. The two form what appears to be at first a tenuous relationship. The kid wants to learn all the secrets the master has locked away inside his head and heart. Time has not been kind to the old master. His life appears pointless to him until the kid rekindles his interest in his work and ultimately gives him the will to live. Together, they give one another a priceless gift. The kid learns to see the world through the master's eyes. And the master learns to see life through the eyes of innocence again. This story is based on a real life experience.