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Let's Go to Prison, ZDA, 84 min
Imdb ocena 6.0
Žanr: komedija, kriminalni
Igrajo: Dax Shepard, Will Arnett, Chi McBride, David Koechner
Režija: Bob Odenkirk
Avtorji: Robert Ben Garant, Thomas Lennon, Michael Patrick Jann, Jim Hogshire (knjiga)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
John Lyshitski je mali kriminalec, ki rad krade avtomobile in kadi travo, predvsem pa ima to nesrečo, da se ob nepravem času vedno znajde na nepravem mestu in v nepravem avtu. V zaporu je bil že tolikokrat, da vse paznike in zapornike pozna po imenu. Ko izve za smrt strogega sodnika, ki ga je največkrat spravil v zapor, se John odloči, da se bo maščeval sodnikovemu sinu. Tako bo poskrbel, da bo razvajeni Nelson Biederman skupaj z njim pristal v zaporu.
Originalni opis filma:
John Lyshitski is a car stealing slacker, with a weed problem, and has been in Illinois' Rossmore State Penitentiary so many times, he knows its entire population of both staff and cons by their first names. Cursed with the old ill luck of being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, in possession of the wrong car, he's been deemed a lost cause repeat offender in the eyes of everyone else. When the heartless judge, who has been behind most of his sentences, goes to the big court house in the sky, John decides to ruin the man's legacy by having the judge's only offspring, Nelson Biederman IV, thrown in the slammer along with him. Here, the world-class selfish jerk learns a certain old lesson the hard way: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. But has John gone too far in the payback department?